but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
– Matthew 19:14
Child Care Information
Nursery and Preschool classes meet for all services on the 1ST floor of Chism and Randall Hall. Before a child can be admitted to their classroom, parents must check their child in at the check-in station on the 1st floor of Randall Hall. Volunteers will be there to assist you.
Elementary classes meet during the 9:00am hour on Sundays on the 2nd floor of the Main Hall. We ask that parents check their elementary children at the classroom designated for their child’s grade and pick them up by 10:15am in time for the main corporate gathering at 10:30.
While we offer childcare for children ages newborn to preschool for both our morning and evening service, parents are invited to bring their children with them in the service. You’ll notice that many families at UBC choose to do this. It’s our joy to have children of all ages worship with us.
For more on the value of having your children with you in the worship service, and for ways you can help your children engage in the service, download a copy of A Parent’s Guide to Parenting in the Pew @ UBC.
You can read more about our Children’s Ministry HERE.