And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
– Acts 2:42

LifeGroups are small groups made up primarily of members of UBC who gather in homes for sermon-based discussion, fellowship and prayer. LifeGroups are inter-generational and generally organized geographically. Groups seek to live out the one another’s of Scripture together in the context of community.
These groups meet regularly in the fall and spring. Click the link below to sign-up for a LifeGroup.
Every other week, LifeGroups will engage in sermon-based discussion as a community as well pray for and encourage one another.
LifeGroups are organized primarily geographically. We believe it is to the benefit of our neighbors and our neighborhoods for us to gather where we live as we seek to live out the truths of God’s Word asking the Lord to conform us in the image and likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
LifeGroups are free to gather on the night that works best for the needs of the group with the exception of Wednesday nights due to ministries meeting on our church campus and our need for volunteers to effectively shepherd our children and youth.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stephen Martin, Pastor of Community.