But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
– 1 John 3:17-18
*Second Mile is currently closed and will reopen after the New Year on Monday, January 6th.*
Phone: (479) 521-4787 | Hours: 9-12 Monday, Wednesday, Friday | Location: Fellowship Hall, 333 W Maple St, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Email: secondmile@ubcfayetteville.org
Second Mile Ministries strives to glorify God by leading people to treasure Christ as their greatest joy. We reach out to others by demonstrating love and concern, declaring the Gospel, and displaying compassion through practical assistance in living.
We seek to encourage knowledge of Christ and spiritual growth, emotional maturity, and financial responsibility through one-on-one Gospel-centered counseling sessions and corporate efforts to meet their physical and spiritual needs. We desire to embody the words of Scripture in feeding, caring and clothing the poor and needy in word and deed.
Community Care
Second Mile seeks to reach out to the broader NWA community by meeting needs of food, clothing, monetary aid in small amounts, rent, utilities and some medications. Community Care aims to encourage spiritual growth, emotional maturity and financial responsibility through one-on-one counseling.
Missional Outreach
Second Mile desires to not only provide relief to those hurting across our community, but also to develop people in a relationship with Jesus Christ. The aim in missional outreach is to assist in developing practical skill sets that help people thrive in their jobs, marriages and lives. Second Mile seeks to involve the greater UBC body and her assets in meeting these needs through classroom training and disciple-making relationships, and through the Bus Ministry.

Second Mile invites you to join us once again this year for our annual Christmas Outreach, “Comfort and Joy.” We want to extend the gift of comfort by providing each family that visits Second Mile in December with a warm blanket and outerwear. Additionally, we aim to spread the joy of knowing Christ by sharing the Gospel message with each family.
We are asking the church body to donate:
- Outerwear (hats/caps, gloves, scarves, and socks)
- Neutral throw blankets
- Money for the purchase of these items; Financial gifts and checks can be made out to “Second Mile – Christmas Outreach”
Beginning Each Sunday starting November 17th, you can bring your donations to the Christmas collection table at ConnectingPoint in the Main Hall Lobby after Sunday morning Service.