Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
– Matthew 9:37-38
Missions at UBC
At UBC, our desire is to engage unreached people with the gospel both locally and globally. And because God has designed his church to be the vehicle for spreading the gospel, we specifically desire to support missions work that is aimed at planting healthy local churches. All of this work, in the end, is aimed at increasing the worship of God through the praise of His glory in the hearts of His people.
Missions training Resources
Recommended Books
Missions by Andy Johnson
Understanding the Great Commission by Mark Dever
Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper
Intro to Global Missions by Zane Pratt
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer
Supported Workers

Loving Choices
Northwest Arkansas
Loving Choices is a Christian pregnancy resource center that offers a variety of services at no cost to teenage girls and adult women facing unplanned pregnancies. They seek to bring the hope of the gospel to their clients through weekly crisis counseling, Bible studies, and mentoring relationships.

Johnny Lithell
Gothenburg, Sweden
Johnny is a Swedish native pastoring Parkway Baptist Church in Gothenburg, Sweden, which he helped plant in 2018. In addition, Johnny trains pastors throughout Sweden in theology and ecclesiology helping them plant gospel-preaching churches across the country.

Kevin McCollum
Northwest Arkansas
Kevin serves as the executive director of Lightbearers. Lightbearers partners with local churches by establishing discipleship communities of college students around the U.S. Â It owns and manages student housing where students are grounded in the Christian faith, while rental profits provide funding for church planting in Asia and northern Africa. Â

Kumar & Dileeni Abraham
Sri Lanka
Kumar is an evangelist in Muslim and Hindu areas and seeks to disciple new believers coming out of such backgrounds. Dileeni is a counselor and teaches counseling.

Talon Brandon
Northwest Arkansas
Talon serves as an Assistant Campus Minister at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry. He gives leadership to discipling and weekly small groups, connecting students to local churches, multiple spring break mission trips, and summer serving opportunities. He also helps equip students to share the gospel with non-Christians on the U of A campus.

Vicky Foti
Northwest Arkansas
Vicky serves with International Students Inc. (ISI), a mission agency serving international students on college campuses across the US. She equips members of local churches to share the gospel with international students and connects them with international student activities on college campuses.

Michael & Hanna Abraham
Dubai, UAE
Michael serves as an assistant pastor of Covenant Hope Church. Hanna is on staff with a student ministry, Focus, which is closely connected with the church. Prior to serving in Dubai and joining Covenant Hope, Michael and Hanna were members of UBC.

Jose Segura
Northwest Arkansas
Jose is lead pastor at Iglesia Bautista Shaloam in Springdale, Arkansas, which UBC helped see established in the 1990s.

Risen Christ Fellowship
Philadelphia, PA
Risen Christ Fellowship was planted in Philadelphia, PA in 2015. RCF, led by Brian Davis and a team of other elders, is a people both serious about Scripture and eager to see the truth of God’s Word impact their inner-city neighborhood.