“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” -Luke 10:2
College Ministry
Weekly Rhythms
Sunday Morning Worship – UBC Main Hall, 10:30am
We see the Sunday morning worship gathering as the primary discipling ministry of the church as we gather with the members of the church and feed on the Word of God in prayer, song, and preaching.
Midweek – BCM, Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Beginning August 16th, students gather to hear from God’s word as we walk through the gospel of Mark. Click the link below to connect with us and find our events, social media, and other information. We look forward to meeting you!
UBC College Staff:
Distinctives of our Church
- We are a Word-centered church
In everything we do, we desire our ministry to be shaped by the Word of God. If you truly desire to grow in your love for God and for his Word, UBC will serve you well. Whether you are in Fayetteville for one year or the rest of your life, we desire our students & young adults to be actively involved in the life of the church– this goes beyond Sunday morning and involves committing to love and serve the church in active membership.
- We are community driven
Every human being wants to be known. Our multigenerational church is marked by a community that knows one another intimately and cares for each other’s spiritual growth.
- We are next to Campus
Our church is located at the north end of campus right across from Sterling Frisco Apartments and the Kappa Delta Sorority House

College Ministry Director

College Women's Discipling